Growing up step by step
Just in few weeks I will leave to Spain for Christmas. That makes me think about how many things have happened since I came here. Also How much I learnt about this international experience. I can say now that I realized I am more open mind than before. For instance, having a international working experience has been one of the best training for me.
Especially working for The Human Library, one of the huge event we have had on december. This one has let me learn how different we can be each others. But at the same time how important it is to try to understand the other person, especially thinking of how they could have understood the situations. But I can say that besides all misunderstandings and the stressful situations, I also learnt a lot how to manage an event.
In fact, I had had this experience before but never in the human rights field. Which is also more interesting for me because of the methods and the new knowledge. Furthermore, so important has been to understand the context where the event would take place, in this case it has been in Poznan, Poland. That is why, made me surprise that some of topic were tabu. But unfortunately others one are also tabus and necessary to be opened in Spain.
For example Feminism, Domestic violence or transexuality. It is true that in the last years it took noticed about some good changes of our mentalities but still it is more than necessary that we work around not judging the people covers and the respectful for the women in many subjects.
Connecting to that, the education is one of the main values with which we can work on. During these last months also I realized how much I like facilitating workshops in social topics. The best ones for me have been the spanish cinema with my students from spanish lessons; The workshop I facilitated for the project “ we are girls” at Bukowska Centrum , which was connected to the role of the social medias nowadays, and finally the workshop I make every fridays at Social School.
So, the last thing I can say is to wish had a new year full of new experiencesas I have had this 2018.