Cześć! Another month has passed therefore I must let all of you know about our EVS life again. Damn it! It is very difficult to notice the time here! Just three months more…

This report is going to be focus on last few weeks as it has been shorter due to Easter holidays. For that, I would like to tell about my first experience out my country during this religious celebration. Beyond the weather, Poland and Spain have a lot of common tradition in this field: muses, rules about diet (meat forbidden) and it considers such a family time (indeed, there was nobody in Poznan during this long weekend). Maybe, I felt a different in way to celebrate, because big processions are typical in certain parts of my country, unlike here. What concerns to our job, we went to Primary School nr.77 and played some games with children related to Easter. It looks like that our collaboration with them is going further.

Regarding our regular activities, it has been working and I think there is nothing worth to notice. Due to free days, we have been more free time than we used to have. The only new development, it has probably been during last meeting of Language Islands. After few serious (but interesting) topics, people voted to talk about “Having fun and travelling cheap in Poland”. There were more people who looked like definitely enthusiastic to talk about that. We should start thinking of focusing on this kind of “happy topic” which are more attractive to our participants.

Back to the topic of time, we have been more signals about how soon is the end of the project. I would like to let you know about one of them. Last week, we took part in the selection process of the volunteers for the next year. In my opinion, it was a great idea because we could add a new perspective as volunteers. In the end, we know which kind of fears and challenges they will have to overcome. I liked the experience, and I am glad because the coordinators took into consideration my recommendation (honestly, I did a bit of blackmail because I feel identified with one of the candidates and I pressured for that). I am pretty sure that they will be as amazing volunteers as we are being. By the way, there is a possibility to come here a week for a meeting with every international volunteer who has done tan EVS in CIM Horyzonty. I keep fingers crossed because I think it would be really excited.

Finally, I want to share that I have started finding possible new project for the next year. So far, those projects are just outlines but I am looking forward to carry out it. By now, I cannot tell anything else.

Right now, the May’s gap is coming. We will have such a long time off. An adventure is waiting for me: I will go to Prague, Bratislava and Budapest by hitchhiking. Probably, it will not able to reach more than Prague unless I will be deeply lucky, but it is going to be a wonderful experience. In fact, it is going to be my first time to hitchhike (at least, as a hitchhiker) and my expectations are so high. Wish me luck and see you soon!