Hi Everybody
I’m Michele, 28 years old and I’ve been here for almost five weeks. Even though I’ve experienced a very trying week, however emotions and surprises were not missing.
On Wednesday I spent unforgettable moments regarding Italian language animation in Lato na Madalinie with some of my companions of this volunteering experience (Liza, Konstantinos, Evi, Alara, Berge, Karahan, Ceyda, Ozge and Diego) without realizing that time is ticking away. I think we did a great job together, especially as far as games were concerned. We succeeded in fully involving the children in our activities. At first, I taught them how to say their name in Italian and we played all together the game of the witch that commands colors. Then, together with the others, children were enthusiastic to play with the ball using the names of the colors in Italian. I was surrounded by magic and enraptured by the smiles of these wonderful children in the picture. It was as if all thoughts had gone from my mind.
If I thought of Wednesday, the concept of empathy would come to my mind. Why the concept of empathy is so important? Because let the people to understand the emotions of the other. About children, empathy is essential and meaningful because it gives us the chance to enter in a relationship with children in order to be enriched and enhanced by listening to another human being who has come to tell us something. This allows us to identify with everything they feel or perceive.
On Thursday things did not go exactly as expected, but this adverse situation taught me how to overcome difficulties and not to put me down. After a few children left, others arrived who, helped by their parents, were able to understand the Chinese characters. Thanks to the help of Nihal, Karola and Marta, I was able to cope with this kind of unexpected event. Because the unexpected events can happen, but the important thing is to know how to handle them without huge problems.
Today I’ve really enjoyed the time spent in Bazar Wyspienskiego because I’ve had the opportunity to interact with adults and teenagers about several topics despite the weather forecast. Among the various topics, I mention the one on fears and phobias, which is never to be taken for granted or underestimated.
This experience here in Poznań is giving me, first of all, the possibility to work especially for children in order to further understand the importance of the concept of empathy, secondly to push all of my limits. The last but not the least, to look inside myself and be more introspective. As a matter of fact, “introspection” is the key word of my polish volunteering.