Autumn mornings become colder and colder, and with the morning mist comes a feeling of stable life in the city.
Monday is a day of office meetings and setting goals for the upcoming week.
Tuesday is a language day – starting from the Polish class in the morning and continuing with our own language classes in Krąg. I am pleasantly surprised that Ukrainian class is more attended.
Wednesday pretended to be the most relaxing day, but in fact, it wasn’t – too much homework had to be done.
Thursday and a half of Friday went fast by working at Druga Szansa, and on Friday evening was Erasmus+ event, arranged by Calin and Zacharula. Despite the fact there were no external visitors, the evening went in a warm family atmosphere with stories about past volunteer experience and even a quiz.
The week finished at the pub, welcoming our new volunteers from Turkey and Armenia, that arrived at the end of the week and now everyone is excited about the upcoming week in Warsaw. Coming soon…
Erusmus+ event Greek class Erusmus+ event Ukrainian class Italian class