As every year, a lot is happening. We undertake many local and international activities. Below you will find reports related to the implementation of our activities and projects.
You can browse the news by projects. Entries older than 2015 no longer available, they have been moved to the archive.
Report on the local activity of Forum Theater as part of the project “It’s Up To Us!”
In November 2021, we started creating the International Forum Theater Group in Poznań as activities of implementing and increasing the knowledge of the Theater of the Oppressed as part of the Erasmus + project “It`s Up to Us”. Theater of ...
Czytaj Dalej
Czytaj Dalej
Survey of former volunteers Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps
We would like to invite you to take part in a study that will allow us to learn more about the social commitment of former volunteers, such as you, long after the completed foreign project. We are curious if you ...
Czytaj Dalej
Czytaj Dalej
Hello there from Germany!
Hallo there from Germany! Würzburg is one charming city and folx I’m living with (and other volunteers with whom I’m not living) are wonderful, people in the organisation I’m doing a volunteer service in are also super nice, the language ...
Czytaj Dalej
Czytaj Dalej
Zajęcia językowe dla dorosłych!
Zapraszamy na bezpłatne lekcje języków obcych w Klubie Krąg w czwartki od 30.09 do 16.12.202117:10 język angielski dla początkujących17:10 język rosyjski dla średniozaawansowanych18:00 język angielski dla średniozaawansowanych18:00 język rosyjski dla początkujących19:00 język hiszpański dla początkujących20:00 język francuski dla średniozaawansowanych20:00 język ...
Czytaj Dalej
Czytaj Dalej
HEARTools – training on equality and human rights using artistic and media tools
On 17-25.09.2021 we are running an international project in Poznań “HEARTools – training on equality and human rights using artistic and media tools”. As part of it, 26 participants from various countries of Europe (Poland, Bulgaria, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, ...
Czytaj Dalej
Czytaj Dalej
Volunteering Potential LAB
Evaluation Seminar (3rd mobility) on learning through volunteering will happen on virtual format on zoom platform 02.11 – 04.11.2021 (3 days), 16.11 – 17.11.2021(2 days) TOPIC AND AIMThe aim of the project is to improve the quality of volunteering projects ...
Czytaj Dalej
Czytaj Dalej