Clean Łazarz campaign

Recently, together with our volunteers @europejskikorpussolidarnosci, we had the pleasure of organizing an ecological-artistic workshop, where we creatively answered the question: how to take care of our fyrtel Lazarz?
The Clean Lazarus meetings took place on Saturday at the Lazarus Market and on Monday at the Lazarus Community Garden as part of the 33rd Lazarus Days celebration.

  • Together we discussed how to keep our part of Poznań clean and create a better climate for everyone.
  •  Our youngest participants had the opportunity to learn how to upcycle, that is, they used used used materials to create beautiful artwork.
  • Older children learned how to make a convenient bag out of an old T-shirt and played a game that introduced the principles of waste segregation.

Thank you to all who participated in our events!

Meetings #CzystyŁazarz are co-financed from the budget of the City of Poznań as part of the project Mobile Center for Local Initiatives ŁAZANKA


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