On Tuesday, December 8, 2019, Cim Horyzonty organised the second action connected to this project #GETUPSTANDUP. The event consisted several activities – a quiz verifying the knowledge of young people on the scale of migration in Poland and Poznań and moderated talks in subgroups on the intercultural experiences of young people.
The most awaited part of the meeting was an interactive debate during which young people, together with panelists-experts, sought for an answer on 3 bothering questions:
1. Should people have the right to choose a place / country of residence?
2. Do you think that the Polish society is open / tolerant? (+ how does Poznań look like on this background?)
3. Does living in a multicultural society create more opportunities than risks?
Team of organizers:
Albaraa Al-anesi (from Jemen, since 6 years living in Poland);
Hacen Sahraoui (from France and Algeria, since 10 years living in Poland );
Olga Chuchoriewa (from Ukraine, since 5 years living in Poland );
Paulina Kuntze (from Poland, activist, specialist in migrations);
Bogumiła Garus
Kate Ivanidze
Emma Maria Heese
Alvaro Inglés
Maria Lebioda
Maria Lebioda