On the 18th of May we had a pleasure to host a Tunisian guest Yosr who shared some cultural experience with the Lazarus local community in the Cultural Club Krąg.
“Part of my mission as an Erasmus volunteer in Poland is to share knowledge about my country of origin and culture, and give a taste of it to others who may or may not have heard about it before.
In this light, as a volunteer with CIM Horyzonty, I visit local partners of my organization on a regular basis to offer workshops and presentations about Tunisia, which often include a taste of Africa and the differences you may encounter throughout the continent.
In this presentation, which our coordinator, Kamila, has gladly translated into Polish, I presented Tunisia through my lens. I had the opportunity to share traditional Tunisian dishes with our guests in Krag Cultural Center and I was delighted to have my students attend this presentation to know more about where I come from. Hearing people’s curious questions about sides of my culture that I would otherwise overlook is an enlightening experience.
It was a curious experience seeing people react to different parts of my presentation: Music, Landscape, Facts, and surely the soup that everyone enjoyed and expressed how rich the flavor was for them.
I received a plethora of questions at the end of the presentation and i agree that „you know your country only when you are away from it”, as we encounter situations where we think about simple and therefore unthinkable everyday things.
Huge thanks to Kamila for providing translation from English to Polish and vice versa.”