Through the stomach to culture

This initiative consists of intergenerational and intercultural meetings of foreign volunteers with seniors in Low Lazarz. In total, many such meetings took place. Integration and acquisition of joint competences through joint cooking, zooming in on close-ups, dancing and singing with young people. In total, the meetings encouraged 120 people to participate in them.

We noticed that the level of openness of older people to stories increased significantly towards foreigners, willingly asking questions after the presentation. They also showed a great interest in food and tried to learn the recipes. After each presentation, our volunteers received a round of applause for sharing information about their countries of origin. These meetings integrate our volunteers with the local community, which later translates into building relationships and strengthening them.

Seniors are also increasingly boldly trying to speak English, now also their understanding has increased. In 2019, a traveler who visited these meetings also shared his with us memories from Romania. Seniors know more and more about countries or have the opportunity to consolidate knowledge or overheard information about countries. These meetings allow you to work with stereotypes and prejudices of people to unknown countries.

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