ŁAZANKA Mobile Local Initiatives Center - a place for residents, frequenters and regulars of Lower Lazarus. Project implemented by the Association CIM HORIZONS from 2017.

Why is our Center of Local Initiatives mobile?

Because, Łazarz is a big district and now a lot is happening here. Activities implemented within the Center include many places, such as our office, Osiedlowy Klub Kultury “Krąg”, or the Incubator of Culture Piraeus, as well as squares, Rynek Łazarski, parks, gates and other places depending on the needs. ŁAZANKA is a place open to every age and social group.

Activities for the Lower Lazarus community:

One of the tasks of the CIL is to support activities for the Lower Lazarus community. That’s why we have launched a competition for grassroots initiatives – that is ideas for their own activities, a referral to the inhabitants of the district. In 2019, participants of the workshops “From the idea to the project” in the Café Vandal, run by Urszula Kisiel-Grzanka and after consultations, carry out 5 such bottom-up initiatives with the support of our MCIL:

Bottom-up initiatives with the support of our MCIL in 2019:

  • “Łazarski Tribe” – recollection and recycling workshops during XXX Lazarus Days;
  • “Give your neighbor a flower” – creating an intercultural mural and workshops on tolerance during Neighbor’s Day 31/05/2019 in the Łazarz Garden;
  • “Second Hawaiian meetings on Lazarus on the occasion of the 30th celebration of Lazarus Day”;
  • “Wulkan Doświadczeń” – an experimental workshop for children;
  • “Art-Circles of human rights” – reconstruction of a tunnel-mural in the space of the Lazarus Garden;

We provide appropriate substantive and financial support, contact with local partners.

In addition to the initiatives, we also supported the organization of the ŁAZART Walk and the creation of the ŁazART Tour Map and supported the publication of our Łazarek activation library: “Women’s equal rights: history written by women” after meeting with Poznań writers “Women writers” in the anarchist Zemsta cafe.

Open Activating Library

In 2019, we expanded the offer of the “Open Activating Library” and “ŁAZAREK Information Corner” by 8 books, which we believe will be useful in Łazarz and will support the possibility of acting in 2020. We offered constant access to information materials, textbooks on multiculturalism, anti-discrimination, and society civic, volunteering, human and animal rights, ecology, but also about Lazarus and Poznań and activities taking place in Lazarus. The library also functioned after the end of the project, constantly raising the knowledge of the inhabitants of Łazarz on the abovementioned topics – the result will be permanent. The books we bought are:

1. “Dom bez chemii”- Joanna Tołłoczko
2. “Jak uratować świat- czyli co dobrego możesz zrobić dla planety”- Areta Szpura
3. “Smog, diesle, kopciuchy, kominy- czyli dlaczego w Polsce nie da się oddychać”- Jakub Chełmiński
4. “Angielski w obrazkach- słownik, rozmówki. Gramatyka A1- A2” – Edgard
5. “Dogadać się z innymi- czyli porozumienie bez przemocy nie tylko w życiu organizacji”- Joanna Berendt i Agnieszka Kozak
6.”Zerwać z plastikiem”- Will McCallum
7. “Siła różnic w zespole- jak indywidualne potrzeby i motywacje przekuć na wartość i wspólny cel”- Anna Sarnacka- Smith

Educational games:
1. Halli- Galli
2. Polowanie na robale (Hunting for bugs)
3. Uno
4. Dixit – Dreams
5. “Milowe- karty rozwojowe dla dzieci, młodzieży i dorosłych”

Czysty Łazarz

Campaign “Czysty Łazarz” – which took place as follows, on November 21 there was a meeting on smog, then we carried out two meetings at school on the same topic, in these meetings jointly participated -10 adults and about 30 children aged 12-16 years. It was important for us that both adults and young people were given knowledge about the pollution of Poznań. A meeting in the Quarter with expert Cezary Czemplinek, who lectures on smog and anti-smog campaigns, and how smog has a negative effect on our body and health, took place on Thursday, November 21. (8 people came to the meeting, a film from these meetings can be found on the Facebook page – “Czysty Łazarz”, 15 people watched us during live streaming). The meeting was conducted as part of the Campaign, it was preceded by two workshops held at Junior High School No. 51 on ul. Klaudyna Potocka, and the Primary School on ul. Berwinskiego 26. During the classes, the educator, being a participant in a meeting in the Subdivision on the subject of smog, conducted workshops encouraging pupils and students to create their own campaign on air pollution, focusing especially on the locality of the problem. As part of the Czysty Łazarz campaign and the CIL program duration the following year, such a campaign will be produced. Also next year, there will be workshops to prepare young people to design the campaign, create a budget and think about forms of promotion. In total, there were about 30 children plus two teachers at the workshops.

As part of the CIL project, we learn how to diagnose our district:

A team of 4 brave researchers(Florentyna Macioszczyk, Zuzanna Szczepanik, Marta Szymaniuk and Tomasz Białecki) learn how to research local problems, the situation of Lower Lazarus, the needs of its inhabitants and adapt social activities to them.

In addition, we invite you for free cycles of development and intercultural training “Mind, soul, heart”, intergenerational and intercultural meetings “Through the stomach to culture”, meetings with interesting people, lectures and lectures, neighborhood picnics and many more.

Diagnosis 2019 (Polish)

Learn more about activities:

If you want to learn more about the offer of MCIL ŁAZANKA and other opportunities to engage in interesting initiatives on Lazarus, please contact us by email: and on call to the CIM Horyzonty office at ul. Klaudyny PotockIEJ 38 (building Lyceum 37, 3rd floor, p. 306) on the following days:

  • Monday: 10.00 – 14.00
  • Tuesday: 12.00 – 16.00
  • Wednesday: 10.00 – 14.00

data rozpoczęcia

January 2017

data zakończenia

December 2022


  • bottom-up initiatives
  • library
  • meeting with interesting people
  • developmental training
  • intercultural training
  • lectures and lectures
  • studies nearby


information on actions and events


action funded by:


Clean Łazarz campaign

Clean Łazarz campaign

Recently, together with our volunteers @europejskikorpussolidarnosci, we had the pleasure of organizing an ecological-artistic workshop, where we creatively answered the question: how to take care of our fyrtel Lazarz?The Clean Lazarus meetings took place on Saturday at the Lazarus Market ...
Czytaj Dalej
A day in Wilson Park full of art, creativity and inspiration!

A day in Wilson Park full of art, creativity and inspiration!

Hi guys! Last Sunday during @33 Lazarus Days in Wilson Park we had a truly remarkable day, full of art, creativity and inspiration!At our last meeting we tried to take up the topic of Lazarus identity and symbols associated with ...
Czytaj Dalej
Evi about Midterm training in Toruń

Evi about Midterm training in Toruń

Last week we had our midterm training. Francisco, Karina and me took the train on Monday morning to go to Torún. We stayed in a nice hotel in the city center. From there it was 5 minutes walking to the ...
Czytaj Dalej
Turkish Presentation

Turkish Presentation

Hello everyone, I would like to tell you about the Turkish presentation I made at Klub Krag. First of all, I prepared my presentation the day before and knew that the participants would have challenging questions. That’s why I was ...
Czytaj Dalej
The Philippines: Making Sense of Multiculturalism and Trauma : Through Stomach to the Culture : Cathryn’s perspective on

The Philippines: Making Sense of Multiculturalism and Trauma : Through Stomach to the Culture : Cathryn’s perspective on

Here in Poznań, I am certainly miles away from the Philippines – geographically at least. But what nearly four years of being away has taught me is that it’s no cliché we carry our homeland with us always, with all ...
Czytaj Dalej


On the 18th of May we had a pleasure to host a Tunisian guest Yosr who shared some cultural experience with the Lazarus local community in the Cultural Club Krąg. “Part of my mission as an Erasmus volunteer in Poland ...
Czytaj Dalej
Neighbor's Day in the Bazaar

Neighbor’s Day in the Bazaar

On Sunday, May 29, 2022, during the event “Bazar Wyspiańskiego 26” – Neighbor’s Day in the Bazaar, the organizer of the local community from MOPR Łazarz, in collaboration with mCIL Łazanka, organized a partner meeting of local business and institutions ...
Czytaj Dalej


We announce the call for grassroots initiatives 2022 as part of the Mobile Center for Local Initiatives Łazanka 2022. Forms with ideas for initiatives can be sent from April 20 to May 11, 2022 to the e-mail address: and ...
Czytaj Dalej
Language Classes So Far – Dec./2020

Language Classes So Far – Dec./2020

French, English, Dutch, Russian, Portuguese and Spanish!! So many options to choose from, aren’t they? These were the possibilities our ESC volunteers would have brought to the community in Klub Krąg. This year we ventured into online classes to still ...
Czytaj Dalej
Through Stomach to Culture - Nov. and Dec./2020

Through Stomach to Culture – Nov. and Dec./2020

From November 4th that our international volunteers have been enjoying the possibility of sharing everything they choose about their cultures. The pandemic times didn’t allow us to bring you the best of our cooking skills, as usual. Still, we wanted ...
Czytaj Dalej
Through stomach to culture - Armenia

Through stomach to culture – Armenia

On Wednesday the 26th of February, we once again gathered at Klub Osiedlowy Krąg to help Narek Botsinyan cook traditional dishes and present his homeland and culture for the sake of the "Through stomach to culture" project ...
Czytaj Dalej
Volcano of Experiments

Volcano of Experiments

Volcano of Experiments is a family experimentation workshop implemented as part of the mCIL Łazanka project. Classes consisted of a combination of chemical and physical experiments on various subjects ...
Czytaj Dalej
Through the stomach to culture

Through the stomach to culture

This initiative consists of intergenerational and intercultural meetings of foreign volunteers with seniors in Low Lazarz. In total, many such meetings took place. Integration and acquisition of joint competences through joint cooking, zooming in on close-ups, dancing and singing with ...
Czytaj Dalej
Delicacies from other countries

Delicacies from other countries

On November 25 and December 5, two events took place that aimed for intercultural and intergenerational integration. As part of a small grant obtained by seniors from the Day Care Center at ul. Konopnicka we organized a meeting between participants ...
Czytaj Dalej


We have completed the first stage of our event. Our photographers have taken a photo of Wilson Park using disposable cameras. Now waiting for the results of these walks. See you at the exhibition on July 23rd at 6 pm ...
Czytaj Dalej


After the amazing ŁazArt Walk which took place the last Thursday we collected some graphic memories from this experience.We visited five art places to discover history of these places.Also we finished the event at Fundation ID NeoLazarus where we shared ...
Czytaj Dalej
Through Fun to Development !

Through Fun to Development !

During the meeting, we talked about various theories about human development cycles, and then we prepared a sensory mat, played with the help of a Klanza scarf and performed experiments. It was the third meeting of a series of development ...
Czytaj Dalej
Workshop - From idea to the project 

Workshop – From idea to the project 

Spotkaliśmy się w ​Inkubator Kultury - Pireus​ na warsztatach ​Szkolenie "Od pomysłu do projektu"​ ...
Czytaj Dalej
Day of European Languages in gimnasium 51

Day of European Languages in gimnasium 51

On October 3, 2017, as part of the continuation of the CIL activities run by the Horizon Youth Initiatives Center, Junior High School 51, European Language Day was held. Young people involved in the preparation of this venture, together with ...
Czytaj Dalej
Photos from meeting about North Korea

Photos from meeting about North Korea

Photos from the meeting devoted to North Korea in the Inkubator Kultury - Pireus . And soon we will go on another interesting journey! ...
Czytaj Dalej


During the meeting, we talked about what emotions we have and how we acquire them, and how to deal with emotions. It was the second meeting of a series of development workshops for families implemented under the activities of the ...
Czytaj Dalej

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